Bringing Leadership Back to The Forefront

Insight SC is a strategic growth collaborative by Shelley Moore that provides processes and tools for growing executive, team, and community leadership.


Growing Leaders Who Make Impact


Executive Leadership

The Insight Growth System provides a roadmap to executive leaders searching for strategic growth processes and implementation facilitation to grow their organizations to the next level.

Team Leadership

The BLOOM Online Team Leadership Platform has been honed for supporting team leaders with toolkits for feedback, learning, and development aligned with organizational growth plans.

Community Leadership

Private-public partnerships are the key to turning around the diverse and exciting communities most ready for change and growth. Learn our comprehensive process for rebuilding the core of neighborhoods.



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The Insight Growth System

Our proprietary system achieves Organic Integration for cultivating growth.

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Successful people are devoted to the activities that make them successful. They are committed to the efforts required for the achievement, and they are best when their efforts align with their natural talents and developed skills. Thus, self-awareness is the key to leadership success. The most effective leaders we know are the most self-aware people we know. They understand the behaviors, triggers, and instincts of themselves and others to achieve maximum effort, productivity, performance, and fulfillment. 


Growth Planning

A growth plan can be achieved within four days of focused meetings working from vision to strategy to formulate a measurable strategic framework. The Insight growth plan processes cover scenario planning, market analysis, unique competitive advantage, organizational models, community planning, private-public partnerships, target customer segments, service and product alignment, departmental strategies, and branded communications plans to align and activate your leadership team for growth.  


Team Design

The most significant opportunity gap to close in any organization is the alignment of people to strategy. Teams are the energy behind the execution. Creating an organizational design that will mobilize strategy, then aligning and developing talent to the roles required for achieving measurable outcomes is the art and science behind taking action to grow.



Creating action plans, meeting rhythm, scorecards, process maps, communication practices for feedback and development, and technology solutions for project tracking are just some of the disciplines and measures required to bring accountability and success to your teams.


“Universally, we face a great challenge to develop the strong leaders needed today to grow across the full spectrum of organizations within our communities.”

- Shelley Moore, President Founder of Insight Strategic Concepts


BLOOM Online Team Leadership Platform

Engage your team in our proven, proprietary online team leadershp platform.


TURN The Urban Renaissance Network

Learn our process for turning around the core of neighborhoods with private public partnerships.


Studio Insight

Become a member of our Studio Insight co-working space to create the change you want to make.

Developing the next leaders who grow communities.

Insight connects leaders and teams to community growth.

Since 1999, founder Shelley Moore has developed for leaders the Insight Growth System, which strives to achieve Organic Integration for their organizations successfully. This system comprises four elements that guide the development, communication, and execution of aligning people to strategy to accelerate measurable and sustainable growth. 

Shelley’s growth system requires self-awareness, vulnerability, and above all - action - by leaders to execute informed decision-making, successful growth plans, open collaboration, strategic communications, accountability, and scorecards to achieve growth-giving outcomes.    


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